The psychology behind Blue Logos and How to Use it On a Logo Design

5 min readMar 5, 2021


A logo is an integral part of a brand and is the first element customer encounters. The basic structure and design of an emblem are based on three major elements, Colour, shape, and fonts. Each element has some psychological impact on the mind of customers.

However, the most prominent and attractive element in a design is colour. It has a direct impact on the mind of the customers, as well as, it can make or break the overall look of an emblem. Colours have a big impact on the emotion and feelings of humans.

Moreover, there have been extensive researches conducted to understand the reason behind, why and how certain shads affect in certain ways. A sociologist Philip Cohen from the University of Maryland surveyed 1,974 people. In this research, it has been found that blue is the favourite colour of Americans. The results showed that 42% of men chose it as their favourite colour while 25% chose green. Whereas 29% of women chose blue, and 27% selected purple.

Therefore, in this article, we have discussed the psychological impact of blue colour and how to use it on a logo design.

Why Most People like It?

If you look around, you would easily find a list of brands that use blue as a primary colour in their emblem. Some of the most well-known brands are Facebook, Ford Motors, Twitter, and IBM. These companies have solid scientific research that shows how it creates an impact on the audience.

However, it is associated with the ocean and sky, which gives a sense of purity and tranquillity. Hallock (Principal Design Manager) asked people in his survey of “Colour Associations” report, which colour best symbolize reliability, fun, high quality, inexpensive, trust, loneliness, security, fear, and courage. For security, trust, and reliability, blue got the highest score.

Moreover, it delivers a strong message of trustworthiness, professionalism, maturity, and dependability.

Let’s see what messages it represents in companies logos.


This shade is very effective to create and deliver trustworthiness. That’s the reason most risk-taking organizations have a logo in blue. Like financial institutions, banks, and healthcare. They require high trust and reliability, as people share valuable and confidential information with them.

Moreover, they trust them to deposit the money or to choose them for their health. Therefore, Bank of America, PayPal, Visa, and American Express have embalms in blue shad. It is not just a coincidence that all of them have similar shads. But, it’s to build the trust that your data is secure, and your money is in secure hands.


It’s the goal of every business, whether small or big to create a professional image. However, it becomes more important when you are in the financial, electronics or IT industry. They are usually cost more that includes higher risk.

Therefore, is important for them to create trust and to show a professional image, customers will never want to choose any unprofessional company, it is like the worst nightmare for them.

That’s the reason, Goldman Sachs; a leading investment bank has a blue as a background in its logo design. Moreover, IBM, Samsung, and Nokia also have this colour.


Sometimes we don’t realize, but we are dependable on so many things in our life. Mobiles, Cars, Computers, appliances, aeroplanes and so many machines that we rely on our daily life. However, the companies know that dependability is the main trait in choosing these products, and they want to give a clear and strong message that we are best to depend on.

They make strong branding to associate their needs and show that their product is the right choice. It won’t break or freeze. Therefore, a long list of companies is there that wants to convey this message by the blue logo. Like, Ford, Boeing, Unilever, Dell, Intel, and so on.


Along with all the above traits, it also gives the most modern and advanced look. Because of that, most hi-tech and software companies use this shade. In the advancing and online world, it is important to be trustable, dependable, as well as look professional and modern.

Therefore, Twitter, Facebook, Skype are the most well known and trustable around the world and use the blue shade in their custom logo.

How you can use it with other Colour Combinations?

It is a versatile shad that effectively blend with many colours. The above logos you have seen have mainly consisted of a blue, but there are many other ways you can use this shad with others to deliver multiple messages.

Blue and white

It is the most effective combination that is used by many tech companies to give it a unique and modern look. White icon or white text in a blue background gives a very clear image and makes it eye-catching and distinctive.


It is a prime colour along with red and yellow. That’s the reason; it goes well with other shades and fits best. Like, Microsoft and Google use multiple colours in their logos; in which, blue is used to signify modernity and innovation.

Blue and red

This combination of shads makes you stand out in the crowd. It gives elegant look with excitement and stability. And, when we talk about this combination, Pepsi pop directly into our mind.


You must have got an idea that what difference a blue can make in the design and the feeling of your customers. It is not a coincidence, that it is used by the majority of brands. It makes your emblem stand out, and create the trustable, reliable, professional, and dependable image, to which customer associate.

It could be any of the reason for you to use it as the primary colour, or combine with other shads. But, make sure to buy logo that stands out in the market. As it is the most common shad, therefore, you can easily blend in the market. You have to be smart and creative with the shape, typeface, icon and its combination with other shades to look different.




Written by Reneetaylor


Guest Writer

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